Queensland roads
each year*
each year*
Get the facts
Human error and decisions are often the main causes of tragic road incidents.
The Fatal 5, detailed in the Road Safety topics section contribute most highly as individually dangerous behaviours.
This section gets back to basics and reminds us of the simple actions we can take everyday, as well as on longer holiday journeys, to keep safe in addition to avoiding the Fatal 5.

Tools & tips
Check out our tips and tools to help us all stay more alert, share the roads and take extra care. From buying the safest car, to driving in the Queensland Outback, the smarter we can be on our roads, the safer they will be for our friends, family and community.
Queensland road safety campaigns
View our current and previous campaigns below.

Regional roads aren’t a game
With long travel distances, high-speed limits, and some unpredictable conditions, driving in regional areas takes some serious concentration. So, we asked 50 young Queenslanders to create an ad campaign to help their mates slow down and stay safe.

Safe Road Tripping
Read on for road safety topics and messages to help all drivers share Queensland roads safely.

Dangerous habits
You might be surprised to know that dangerous habits like tailgating, not giving way, and running red lights, contributed to half of all serious crashes* in Queensland.

Safe cars
Make safety a top priority when purchasing a car and check a car’s safety rating before you buy it. Check out our SafeCars tool to help you search for the safest car in your budget.