Road safety for all road users
As a community, we all need to work together to make our roads safer. StreetSmarts is a practical advice based education program where you can learn more about road safety and help make a difference.
It doesn’t matter if you’re a bike rider, heavy-vehicle operator, motorcyclist, pedestrian or driver – if you use the road, you can play an important role in helping to make our roads better.

Using our roads smarter together
You can make a difference every time you use the road. By thinking about your actions, being more present, and obeying the road rules when you’re driving, walking or riding – you’re helping make our roads a safer place for everyone.
Check out the tools and tips sections within each webpage. They are split by the Fatal 5, as well as by road user type (young driver, parents, motorcyclist, cyclist, truck driver, pedestrian, and all drivers). Every time you’re on the road – use it smarter – think about your actions and be more present.

How do I get involved?
You can also have your say on road safety and help spread the word. Join our community on Facebook, or make a difference in your local community by applying for one of our road safety grants.
The more we all use our StreetSmarts, the safer our roads will be.