
A yellow road sign that says 'Take a break every two hours'

Safe road tripping

If you’re off on a road trip, here’s five simple things you can do to keep you and your family safe.

Learn more

Driving tired myths or facts?

Bust the myths  and check the facts on fatigue.

Bust the myths


1. The WTP social cost figures are provided in 2014 dollar value using the 2015 National Guidelines for Transport System Management in Australia.
2. Doecke, S., & Kloeden, C.N. (2014). The accuracy of determining speeding directly from mass crash data and using the NSW Centre for Road Safety method. Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety, 25(1), 35–41
3. Department of Transport and Main Roads (2024). Figures are based on the crashes validated in the Queensland Road Crash Information System from 1 January 2019 – 31 December 2023 for lives lost, and 1 January 2018 – 31 December 2022 for serious injuries. Data extracted May 2024.