The Story Behind CO-LAB
A road safety campaign made by young Queenslanders, for all Queenslanders? Yep, that’s right. Since 2015, Co-Lab has been bringing together young people to tackle the road safety problems personally affecting them and their peers. In 2017, the Co-Lab Youth Road Safety Challenge was epic: tackle the issue of death and injury on our roads and why it’s accepted as part of everyday life. The winning participants created the following innovative safety campaign ‘Road to Zero’.

5 ways to drive the road toll down to zero.
Help us drive the road toll down to zero
We can all do our bit to get involved and help improve road safety. Here are some simple things you can do to make a difference:

Be your child’s driving role model. Long before they get their ‘L’ plates, start practising good road safety habits now.
Stay involved and encourage your child’s driving, even after they get their ‘P’ plates. Make it clear you’ll be there to back them up, so they can avoid any risky situations on the road.
Go to Protect your P-Plater for more.

Get involved in local road safety programs through your local schools or other groups, and don’t forget to look into funding from places such as the Community Road Safety Grants Program.

Ensure your policies support the safety of your employees while they are on the road.
Make sure when your employees are on the road they are properly rested, not distracted, and in a safe vehicle.
You can go to the Road Safety Partnership Program for more details.

Use #RoadtoZero to start a conversation with your mates on social media. Chatting about road safety with your friends and family is a great way to raise awareness about the road toll.
Follow StreetSmarts to be part of the road safety conversation.
Find out more about Co-Lab
Find out more about how this campaign was made with the help of young Queenslanders.
Learn more about Co-Lab.
Where to next?
Explore these popular road safety topics on StreetSmarts.