Did you know?
- 1 in 3 people killed or injured in crashes involving speed are not the driver of the vehicle.
- Around half of all serious speeding crashes happen at less than 10km/h above the speed limit1.
- Just over 5km/h above the speed limit in urban areas (and 10km/h above in rural areas) is enough to double the risk of a casualty crash2.
- 50% of Queensland drivers admit to speeding on more than half of their road trips3.
You Lapse, You Lose.
The consequences of speed
The role of a paramedic is to save lives at the scene of a road crash. However, their advice can also help prevent fatalities and injuries before they happen. Watch to learn how you can stay safe.
Watch “The dangers of speeding”
Speeding is driving faster than the posted speed limit. It also means driving too fast for the conditions and the driver’s skill and experience.
Speeding is one of the major killers on Queensland roads. On average 58 people are killed and 295 seriously injured each year on Queensland roads as a result of speed-related crashes. Many of those hospitalised will suffer from the effects of their injuries for the rest of their lives³.
Driving within the speed limit maximises your stopping distance, giving you more time to react to:
- the actions of other road users around you like vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists
- changes to the road environment itself such as pot holes and obstacles.
Speeding quick quiz
Think you know your stuff? Take this quiz and test yourself about the dangers of speeding.