StreetSmarts, AFLQ and the SUNS
StreetSmarts aims to help everyone use our roads in a smarter way. The smarter we can be on our roads, the safer they will be for our friends, family and community. We are proud to be teaming up with AFL Queensland and the Gold Coast SUNS to spread the road safety message to the AFL community, including via the StreetSmarts AFLQ Schools Cup and the Gold Coast SUNS Academy.
How can you be more StreetSmart?
Road safety is everyone’s responsibility, and we can all help to make our road community safer. StreetSmarts provides a wealth of information about road safety, covering topics such as speeding, drink driving, fatigue, seatbelts, distraction, and regional driving. Some useful links are provided below, and we encourage you to explore the site further.

Tools & tips for young drivers
We are excited to see you kicking goals on the sporting field, and we want to see you do the same thing off the field, particularly regarding road safety.
Check out the tips and tools to help you ace road safety as an L or P-plater, including info on mobile phone rules and buying your first car.

Resources for parents
We all need to model the best driving behaviour for our children to ensure they learn how to share the road safely as they get older.
Explore more resources for parents, including protecting your P-plater and school safety travel info.