806,794 speeding excuses found in Queensland

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Two cars crashed. A quote saying: I drive this road twice a day...

5Ks over the limit


Features and specifications:

  • Lifelong trauma
  • Serious injuries
  • 18 months of rehabilitation
Ute crashed into pole. A quote saying: I had to speed I was running late...

12Ks over the limit


Features and specifications:

  • Life-changing injuries
  • 3 weeks in a coma
  • Job loss
Ute crashed and flipped on its roof. A quote saying: I was just overtaking...

18Ks over the limit


Features and specifications:

  • 2 lives lost
  • PTSD for first responders
  • Traumatised family members
police tape reading no excuse for speeding
Car crash victim trapped under flipped car

1 in 3 lives lost on Queensland roads involve speeding

Driving over the speed limit can seem harmless enough. But when you know the consequences – anything from copping a fine to totalling your car, from serious injury to death – you know there’s no excuse for speeding.

A different perspective of speeding consequences

As a paramedic, you see first hand the dangers of speeding. Watch this video to learn how you can stay safe on our roads.

Learn more