Minimum passing distance rules
Motorists must stay wide of bicycle and personal mobility device riders by giving a minimum of:

Did you know?
Drivers can cross centre lines, even continuous lines on a multi-lane road, double continuous lines on a two way road, straddle lane-lines and drive on or over painted islands to pass riders, as long as it is safe to do so.
Tips for passing safely

Gauge the gap
Measure the passing distance from the rightmost part of the bicycle or personal mobility device, including any trailer towed by the device, or the rider or any passenger in or on the trailer to the leftmost part of the motor vehicle, or something sticking out from the vehicle, for example, a side mirror.

Wait until it’s safe
If it isn’t safe to pass a bicycle or personal mobility device, such as an e-scooter, e-skateboard or segway rider, wait until it is safe. This should not hold you up for long and it could save the rider’s life.
If you’re turning left and a bicycle or personal mobility device rider is ahead of you going in the same direction, turn behind them. Overtaking and cutting off a rider is very dangerous. By exercising courtesy, paying attention and obeying the rules, we can all get home safely.

Indicate before and after
Indicate ‘right’ for enough time to warn other road users that you are about to veer right to pass a rider. Then indicate ‘left’ when you have passed the rider and are returning to your original position.
You must indicate if you need to change your position on the road, even if you do not need to cross the centre or lane lines.
More tips on sharing the road with riders
Be on the lookout
- Bicycle and personal mobility devices, such as e-scooters, e-skateboards or segways riders are more difficult to see than cars or trucks, especially at night, dawn or dusk.
- Take care to check for riders in blind spots before changing lanes or turning, especially when turning at intersections and at roundabouts.
- Check in your rear-view and side mirrors to avoid opening your car door into the path of a rider.
Give way
Give way to riders when you are:
- turning at intersections
- turning into and out of driveways and other road entries,
- and when they are crossing marked pedestrian crossings.
Turning left
Don’t left hook in front of a rider. If you want to turn left and a bicycle or personal mobility device rider, such as an e-scooter, e-skateboard or segway is ahead of you going in the same direction, turn behind the bicycle or personal mobility device rider.
Nighttime and wet weather
Always drive to the conditions and take extra care especially at night and in wet weather.
At nighttime, be considerate and dip your headlights when approaching a bicycle or personal mobility device rider.