Did you know?
- When the speed limit is 60km/h or under, motorists must leave a gap of at least 1m between their vehicle and bicycle riders when passing. When the speed limit is over 60km/h, the gap must be at least 1.5m.
- When you ride a bicycle, you must wear an Australian Standard approved bicycle helmet.
- It is a legal requirement that every time you ride, your bike must have:
at least one working brake,
a bell, horn or other warning device. - When riding at night, you need to have a white headlight, a red tail-light and a red rear reflector to be compliant with the rules.
View the user guide containing more about bicycle safety, road rules, and where to ride.
Learn more
Stay wider of the rider
Bicycle riders are some of our most vulnerable road users. That’s why rules about staying wider of the rider are here to stay. Whether you’re on two wheels, four or more, check out the facts and tips below. Together, we can all stay safe on the roads. Toggle the buttons below to find out more.
60km/h and under =
1 metre
Stay wider of the rider
Bicycle riders are some of our most vulnerable road users. That’s why rules about staying wider of the rider are here to stay. Whether you’re on two wheels, four or more, check out the facts and tips below. Together, we can all stay safe on the roads. Toggle the buttons below to find out more.
Over 60km/h = 1.5 metres
Bicycle riders quick quiz
How wide is your knowledge on bicycle riding and safety? Test with this quick quiz.